How does ZERO Account differ from other types?

Zero Acount you do not pay swap fees.

Garnet Trade offers Islamic Forex accounts under the name "0 Swap*", providing an option that complies with the principles of interest-free trading. In this account type, there are no overnight carrying costs and interest-free trading is provided.

Interest-Free Transaction: In accordance with Islamic beliefs, it offers the opportunity to make interest-free transactions by avoiding overnight carrying costs on certain products.
Low Cost: The absence of overnight swap fees reduces the transaction costs of investors and allows them to hold positions more effectively.
Market Transparency: The transparent trading environment provided by Garnet Trade allows traders to see the best prices and trade more fairly.

Minimum Deposit10.000 USD
Available Base CurrenciesUSD, EUR, GBP, AUD
Spreads From0.1 pips
Max Leverage1:500
Min Lots0.01
CommissionsNo Commission
All Strategies Allowed✔

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